
This site is dedicated to the new release of Blogger software, commonly known as Blogger Beta.
Being interested in new stuff, several months ago I decided to delve into the world of blogging. By chance I saw some Blogger blogs, and I did like the versatility of the templates, and the general look and feel of the user interface. So I set off exploring, and experimented with the HTML and CSS.

Soon after, Blogger upgraded to Beta, and there I was, with a whole new set of possibilities! So that's when I started Beautiful Beta, to share my learnings with other Bloggers.

Templates were a major interest of me when I started Blogging. I got great inspiration from designers such as Pannasmontata and Vladstudio. And I stumbled onto CSSZenGarden and learned how much you can do with CSS. So, this site will offer several templates that I created for Blogger Beta. I hope you like them.

Hacks is what I came to next. First, I started with slight alterations of the template, basically to remove some grammar errors such as "1 comments". Later in, thanks to Ramani and others, I entered into hardcore hacking, writing javascript functions and all. As I am not a programmer, this stuff is hard work for me, looking all over the web for tutorials and documentation. But is kind of fun.

If you like the content of this site, feel free to use it. All content is offered under conditions of Creative Commons. This means that you can use all my templates and hacks for non-commercial use. You have to add a link to Beautiful Beta in your main blog- or webpage, and are not allowed to claim this work as your own.

1 comment:

  1. I read your article http://beautifulbeta.blogspot.com/2007/04/blogtoc-widget-released.html . I tried to add the widget but blogger.com template doesn't have the section as you have written. I got lost at "Save the template and switch to the Page Elements Tab.
    Add a HTML page element above your Blog Posts element.
    Leave the title blank. Add the following html:...."
    I hope you can help me. Thank you.
